Dahayu Phinisi

24 Desember 2021 184x kapal labuan bajo

Beranda » kapal labuan bajo » Dahayu Phinisi

Dahayu Phinisi

Boat Type: Phinisi
Built: 2018
Materials: Ironwood and Teak

Dimension: 23m (length) and 4.5m (beam)
Main Engine: Mitsubishi 6D15
Cruising Speed: 6 – 9 knots
Auxillary Power: Two Generators (10 kVa and 8 kVa)
Navigations : GPS, Marine Radio, VHF Radio
Safety: 4 pcs fire extinguishers, 4 life buoys, first aids, 20 life vests
Dinghy: 4 meter with Yamaha 15hp
Water Supply : 3000L

​Total Crew : 5 people

Capacity: 10 guests
Cabins: 5 cabins, full AC, en-suite bathrooms

  • 3 cabins with king size bed (2 persons each cabin)
  • 2 cabins with queen size bed (2 persons each cabin)

foto-foto dahayu phinisi

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